NTS Nurse Training in London

14th July 2019 – 11th August 2019

It is with great excitement that I am able to write and share our latest news.

In July this year my two Kathmandu clinic nurses came to the UK for very specialist thalassaemia training in London.

Last year we were fortunate enough to make a delegation visit to Nepal to sit with and lobby the Nepalese Government to support thalassaemia in Nepal.

During the delegation visit we came up with a plan to train our nurses here in the UK. There are currently no specialist-trained nurses in Nepal.

Dr Sara Trompeter, Consultant Haematologist and Paediatric Haematologist University College London NHS Foundation Trust and NHS Blood and Transplant offered to try and put together a month long training course for the nurses in London.

Almost a year later our dream has come true… our nurses have just finished their training and are ready to fly back to Nepal and start using the knowledge they have gained. This was a chance of a lifetime for both nurses and for thalassaemia in Nepal. Finally we have the international support we have tried so long to gain.

We at NTS UK wish to thank Dr Sara who not only made the training happen but also accommodated the girls in her own home for the duration of their training. We give thanks to Dr Sara’s family for doubling up on their bedrooms to make space!

We would also like to thank Emma Prescott (WHITTINGTON HEALTH NHS TRUST) who trained the girls on a daily basis and put the training schedule together with Dr Sara.

Also thanks goes to TIF who provide funds for their flights to the UK. To The UK Thalassaemia Society who arranged sight seeing at the weekends and to all of you who have so kindly offered to support our coming Charity Event in September to raise the funds for the nurses living costs.

I would also like to give sincere thanks to my clinic partner Durga Pathak who works tirelessly to make things happen at the Nepal end.

I hope to see you all at Game Farm on 7th September 2019 to raise money and celebrate our achievements.
